The UPS-Cuenca Language Institute has moved to a new venue

Cuenca, jueves 8 octubre 2015
The UPS Language Institute, now located across from María Auxiliadora park.
The UPS Language Institute, now located across from María Auxiliadora park.


In order to provide students greater comfort and enhance the quality of learning, the UPS-Cuenca language institute has moved to a new venue located on 10-68 Vega Muñoz and General Torres, across from the Maria Auxiliadora park.

UPS students in the new venue will have suitable classrooms and high tech labs for their learning process. Upon the arrival of the UPS language institute to this venue, the neighborhood has been notably revitalized. Neighbors said that with the language institute there is a great number of students and the neighborhood has come back to life, that there is a lot of movement and that hopefully now there will be more police control in the area. They also said this neighborhood has a lot of salesian history and they feel fully identified with salesians.

Susana Castro, director of the UPS-Cuenca language institute, said she is pleased with the new venue and that this change has enabled all the activities in the institute to go as planned since it is exclusively intended to study English. 

Cesar Vasquez, UPS-Cuenca Vice President, said the aim of moving the language institute to a new venue is to provide students more comfort, he added that the institute is also open to the overall public.