The UPS veterinary medicine major trained police officers

Cuenca, jueves 23 julio 2015
Dr. Juan Masache during the conference
Dr. Juan Masache during the conference

The university's Veterinary Medicine major in Cuenca, held a seminar for mounted police officers from the National Police. The aim was to train the officers in the care they must provide their dogs. The event was led by Dr. Juan Masache , UPS professor, she shared her knowledge and experience about the care of dogs, including useful information about the type of medical equipment that should be used to safeguard their health and welfare .

Professor Masache addressed the members of the Special Operations Group ( GOE ) and stressed that police dogs are not only tools, but are partners and living beings; therefore, these animals should be treated as any other member of this unit and have their food , health and animal welfare cared for, so that they can perform well.  He emphasized that a well- trained dog that is hydrated , cared for and well fed is an excellent complement for the police and will ensure and maintain public order.

After the training sessions, the veterinary medicine director said they hope police officers will take care of their pets the way they deserve it, by caring for their health and wellbeing.  This police department and the university's veterinary medicine have signed an agreement so that medical attention for these dogs be done at the UPS "PoliVet" by Doctors Juan Masache and Monica Brito, as well as senior year students.