Thoughts on education and the pandemic

Cuenca, martes 4 agosto 2020
Thoughts on education and the pandemic
Thoughts on education and the pandemic


Crea tu Espacio Foundation held a talk titled "New educational methodologies in the face of Covid 19" with the participation of experts from different institution in the city. 

Fernando Solorzano, director of the education undergraduate program in our branch campus in Cuenca, took part in the talk and stated that by march 1370 million boys, girls and teenagers stopped studying, which represents 80% of the school aged population. Additionally, 60.2 million teachers from different levels stopped teaching.  

Solórzano stated that UPS has been working with new information technologies since 2013 with the creation of the UNADEDVI department and with Virtual Learning Environments in 2015, so although the COVID-19 pandemic forced a reformulation of planning , It did not represent a problem since both the teachers and most students were already familiar with virtuality. In addition, he stressed that UPS has pedagogical foundations Critical Pedagogy, Constructivism, Cooperative Learning and a family environment for its teaching-learning process.

Martha Cobos, vice president of University del Azuay, highlighted the experiences that teachers and students have had during this period. He emphasized the great capacity for adaptation that was evident at this time, in addition to the support systems available, both at a medical level and at a psychological and teamwork level.

Magdalena Abril, District Director of Education, spoke about the different possibilities that the Ministry of Education presents in the face of the "new normality", the situations that students and teachers in rural areas experience and the need to make curricular adaptations for students with disabilities.

Finally, Andrea Malquín, Regional Director of SENESCYT, spoke about the fact that the entity she represents opened 21,800 new places for universities throughout the country. In addition, she said that an agreement was signed with Huawei company for training on online classes. She also said that we must see this pandemic as a challenge and an opportunity both in the educational and personal field.