Tools to help improve inclusive education

Guayaquil, miércoles 23 octubre 2019
Participants of the course
Participants of the course

The Information and Communication Technologies for Disabilities Research Group (TICAD for its acronym in Spanish), the Educational Innovation Group and the UNESCO Chairs program Assistive Technologies for Inclusive Education held the course "Educational Innovation with Google Classroom" which was aimed at school and high school teachers , as well as people with disabilities.

The course was attended by 40 teachers from schools and high schools in Guayaquil. They learned about the design, creation and function of virtual classrooms, a tool that will strengthen the development of professional competencies. 

"The course taught teachers how to interact with tools of blended learning with Google Classroom, which makes learning more active and cooperative between students", said Alice Naranjo, coordinator of TICAD. 

The course was led by professors and students from TICAD and supported by "Asociación de Profesores de Educación Primaria (APEP)" and AFAA Electronics Corp. "This tool enables the management of the teaching learning process in an innovative manner and improves communication. It favors inclusive education and allows teachers to share contents, manage their plans, control and monitor processes", said Naranjo.

In coming days, the TICAD group will hold the course "E-COMMERCE BUSINESS TOOLS", which is aimed exclusively at people with disabilities