Training courses for UPS-Guayaquil professors

Guayaquil, miércoles 4 mayo 2016
Professors in on of the training courses
Professors in on of the training courses


UPS-Guayaquil is currently holding its annual trainings sessions for professors, which is aimed at improving and strengthening professors' pedagogical skills.

There are 40 hour on site course and other courses which are both on site and online. "the HR department analyzed the situation and then planned the courses. Full time professors will have to attend from 2pm to 10pm and part time professors from 6pm to 10pm" said Angela Flores, academic coordinator of UPS-Guayaquil.

Some of the topics of the courses are: "Updating the processes of encoding and decoding of language." " Communication Skills for Professionals " , "IP Telephony" , " Computer tools applied to engineering ", " Writing scientific papers".

Courses will be held until May 7.