Training session on socio political and pastoral issues

Guayaquil, miércoles 29 junio 2016
Father Luciano Bellini, coordinator of the pastoral department in Guayaquil
Father Luciano Bellini, coordinator of the pastoral department in Guayaquil


On June 26th , the university's pastoral department in Guayaquil and the "Democracy Institute", an institution associated to the National Electoral Council (CNE for its acronym in Spanish) held a training session on socio political and pastoral issues for students.

Some of the topics were: "Community democracy and leadership" and "Organization and Participation". The aim was to strengthen the processes being carried out in vulnerable sectors like Flor de Bastión, Recinto la Unión and Hogar Inés Chambers Vivero, where students carry out socio-pastoral actions.

Over 40 students from different salesian groups such as the "Salesiano Juvenil", "ELFU", "Misionero de Sonrisas" and "Scout UPS 16" participated in the training sessions.