Training sessions for members of UTOPÍA magazine

Guayaquil, viernes 12 mayo 2017
MSc. Betty Rodas (centro), editora de UTOPÍA, junto a los nuevos integrantes de la Sede Guayaquil
MSc. Betty Rodas (centro), editora de UTOPÍA, junto a los nuevos integrantes de la Sede Guayaquil


In order to strengthen the journalistic skills of all the members of UTOPIA magazine, the university's branch campus in Guayaquil held a meeting  with new members of UTOPIA magazine in Guayaquil.

During the meeting they planned the 98th edition of the magazine. The main topic of this issue will be "Governance and Governability" and will be published in July. The aim is that students critically analyze the country's current situation on political events. "This is a very interesting topic due to the amount of information we can analyze regarding the governability of a country", said Carlos Proaño, communication student. 

There were also workshops on writing techniques and journalistic genres which were led by UPS professor Gloria Bermudez and Cesar Andrade, the co editor of the magazine in Guayaquil. For Jonathan Cuje, student, these workshops help improve the work of the magazine. "This will enable us to improve the writing style and maintain quality information in UTOPIA", he said.