Universidad Politécnica Salesiana met with international directors to discuss the advances of the Ecuadorian Higher Education admissions system

Cuenca, lunes 15 diciembre 2014
Fernando Pesantez and IUS representatives
Fernando Pesantez and IUS representatives


In November, UPS Academic Vice President, Fernando Pesantez travelled to several countries to present the advances of the Ecuadorian Higher Education admissions system, particulary at UPS, and talk to European and Latin American authorities, professors and university experts to exchange and share opinions.

In Cuba he met with the Minister of Education, Rodolfo Alarcón to discuss admissions in both countries, Fernando Pesantez highlighted the Ecuadorian admissions model and explained the implementation of the National Admissions System (SNNA), the national assessment exams for higher education (ENES), and academic merit applied to the admissions system. 

In Italy, during the meeting on "Equity and Social Inclusion" held from the 26th to the 29th of November and organized by the Education Group IUS, Fernando presented the theoretical and methodological model behind the changes in UPS's admissions system considering equity. At this meeting, he also participated in the evaluation of the Education Group 2010-2013 Action Plan and helped develop the 2015-2018 Action Plan; the goals regarding admissions, permanence, and graduation will be undertaken by all IUS institutions having the UPS model as a benchmark.  In addition, the IUS committed themselves to promoting publications related to equity and inclusion, with English as the common language, and scientific journals in the writer's native language. 

On December 1st, Fernando met with Carla Salvaterra, International Affairs Vice president at Universitá di Bologna. At this meeting UPS was invited to adhere to the signing of the Magna Carta  for the European University; this initiative intends to guarantee basic principles for universities such as: institutional autonomy; that professors are inseparable from research, have freedom of research and teaching to enable interaction among cultures. The Magna Carta will be signed in September 2015 and UPS is committed to following the principles therein. 

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