UPS and COIDH work in support of human rights

Guayaquil, jueves 17 diciembre 2020
Vice president of our branch campus in Guayaquil
Vice president of our branch campus in Guayaquil


Our branch campus in Guayaquil held an event for the closing ceremony of the week which commemorated human rights; the event was organized by the Centro Observatorio Internacional de Derechos Humanos (COIDH).

The event was broadcast live through Facebook with the support of different universities from Panama, Colombia, Mexico and Ecuador. Gina Cristina Guerrero, general director of COIDH, thanked the universities who supported the event to commemorate 72 years of the declaration of human rights and stressed that the only way to make changes in society is through education.

Raul Alvarez, vice president of our branch campus in Guayaquil, said "today is an opportunity to reaffirm the importance and the work we must do to build a better world, where solidarity, respect and tolerance is the basis of our society"

As an institution of higher education, UPS seeks to promote these spaces as part of education for society, fulfilling its mission to educate honest citizens and good Christians. "UPS is part of this constant struggle from academia, research and evangelization, where our students actively participate with less favored communities, bringing hope to every corner of the country through each of their locations," added Álvarez.

Christian Salazar, shared a Profile on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Washington Pedroza Mejía, vice president of COIDH, spoke about "The loss of the sense of humanity in today's societies."

During the event, they presented the book "Derechos humanos para pequeños humanos", written by Mario Miranda Maya, president of COIDH, who thanked all the professionals who made the book possible and said: "This book is an unprecedented space for human rights education, we need to start cultivating that education from an early age so that they can have a conception of rights, the only way to change reality is education."

Mario Miranda Maya recognized UPS for its invaluable contribution to education, promotion and defense of Human Rights in Ecuador.