UPS and ECU911 work together for student safety

Cuenca, lunes 4 julio 2016
Vicerrector de la UPS sede Cuenca, César Vásquez (i) y a Juan Carlos Jiménez, Director Regional 6 del ECU 911 en la presentación del plan de seguridad implementado por las dos instituciones
Vicerrector de la UPS sede Cuenca, César Vásquez (i) y a Juan Carlos Jiménez, Director Regional 6 del ECU 911 en la presentación del plan de seguridad implementado por las dos instituciones


During a press conference, Universidad Politécnica Salesiana and ECU 911 (emergency number) presented a new security system that has been implemented in Cuenca which is directly linked to ECU 911's emergency system. The aim is to provide students and people around the university safety. The university's vice president in Cuenca Cesar Vasquez and the director of ECU 911 Juan Carlos Jimenez were in charge of the presentation. 

Cesar Vasquez said the university constantly seeks to preserve the safety of its students, employees, workers and residents of the neighborhood, so they have installed four cameras used for security surveillance around the university. Thanks to the support of members of the ECU 911 the cameras installed outside the University will be interconnected directly with ECU 911. Therefore monitoring and supporting the institution in order to ensure security in the city.

Juan Carlos Jimenez, said that for ECU 911 it is almost an obligation to provide facilities to increase security and work with projects requested by people, UPS's request is part of the initiatives promoted by the project "Protect your neighborhood". Finally, university officials made a demonstration of both internal and external security cameras and visited the Monitoring Centre.

Currently, UPS has 60 internal cameras in Cuenca for surveillance, and 4 external cameras that cover the entire outer perimeter and intended to contribute to the security of the entire community and inhabitants of the sector.