UPS and the municipality of Cuenca work together in community engagement projects

Cuenca, miércoles 7 octubre 2020
Pedro Palacios, Fernando Moscoso and Omar Álvarez
Pedro Palacios, Fernando Moscoso and Omar Álvarez


Fernando Moscoso, vice president in our branch campus in Cuenca, Pedro Palacios, Mayor of Cuenca, and Omar Alvarez, town councilor, had a meeting to discuss agreements and community engagement projects that Universidad Politecnica Salesiana (UPS) and municipal institutions have been carrying out.
The agreements were extended and the plan were updated in order to meet the current situation; one of the priority programs is the support for children and teenagers in vulnerable situations. This program is also supported by the Salesian inspector of Ecuador, CEDIA and other local institutions.
One of the first things they will work on is providing internet to foundations so that children can have this service available to them, some homes will also be given internet service. Therefore, an agreement was signed with ETAPA EP, municipal company in charge of providing this service. UPS will provide support through its education, psychology, computer engineering, and other undergraduate programs, their activities include:
- Being in charge of donations and repair of computers
- Design a virtual platform for school children
- Support in case of a crisis
- Students majoring in Education, Psychology and other undergraduate programs will be Tutoring children
- Support in the management of the virtual environment for the cooperative learning of young people who are part of the technical and artisan area.
- Support to create family businesses
Fernando Moscoso thanked the mayor for contributing with these projects which will benefit people in vulnerable situations, especially children and teenagers, which is the main concern of the university and its Foundation "PACES"
Pedro Palacios, mayor of Cuenca, congratulated university officials for their work and stated that the municipality will support all projects.