UPS and Universidad de Alcalá awarded certificates to participants of the Edu Tech project

Cuenca, viernes 17 septiembre 2021
Students from our branch campus in Cuenca
Students from our branch campus in Cuenca


Our branch campus in Cuenca, Universidad de Alcalá and the Unesco chair's program assistive technologies for inclusive education, held a ceremony to award certificates to students who took part in the Edu Tech International Research project "Assistive technology for accessibility in higher education"; this project is co-financed with the Erasmus European Union program.

Students worked on different projects to help people with disabilities. The aim was to acknowledge students' effort, commitment and hard work to help people who need it the most. 

Fernando Pesantez, general vice president of UPS, thanked students for their participation and congratulated them on such good work. Salvador Otón, from Universidad de Alcalá and director of the project, said that the idea emerged from accessibility problems that higher education students have had. He congratulated students on their participation to help people who need it the most. 

Paola Ingavelez, director of EduTech in Latin America, stressed the good work carried out students to help vulnerable people. She awarded Monica Rodas, from Universidad del Azuay, a special recognition for her excellent work in the project.

Fernando Moscoso, vice president of our branch campus in Cuenca, congratulated everyone who is part of the project for the great work.