UPS-Cuenca professor presented his research at Universidad Federal do Espíritu Santo in Brazil

Cuenca, viernes 20 marzo 2015
Eduardo Pinos, Carlos Tierra, PhD, and Pablo Cevallos
Eduardo Pinos, Carlos Tierra, PhD, and Pablo Cevallos

UPS-Cuenca professor Eduardo Pinos presented the paper "The impact and benefits of technical helps for disabled people" during the 2015 International Workshop on Assistive Technology which was held was held from 2 – 6 February at Universidad Federal do Espíritu Santo in Vitoria, Brazil. The workshop presented research on biomedical engineering from several Brazilian, Canadian, Spanish, Colombian, Cuban and Ecuadorian universities. Professor Pinos worked on his project in the Artificial Intelligence and Assistive Technology Research Group-GIATA, in Spanish. 

The aim of UPS is to work on projects related to biomedical engineering, especially on exoskeletons. Therefore, Professor Ana Cecilia Villa along with the Biomedical Engineering Research Group at UPS is currently organizing some research in this field.

This type of work raises the idea of creating a Biomedical engineering international cooperation network where higher education institutions share their work in order to improve academic and research development. 

UPS representatives met with international researchers

On other news, during his visit to Brazil and on behalf of UPS, Eduardo Pinos met with Carlos Tierra PhD, an Ecuadorian researcher who has been working on scientific projects in Universidad Federal de Río de Janeiro (UFRJ) for over 25 years, to discuss and share their research projects; UPS-Cuenca professor Pablo Cevallos, who studies a masters degree at UFRJ, was also there.

During this meeting they also discussed the inter institutional cooperation agreement between the two universities in order to boost research in this area. UFRJ will support UPS in research projects, there will be internships and research stays, as well as master's degree programs in biomedical engineering, electronic engineering, electrical engineering and mechatronics.