UPS evaluates the efficiency of community irrigation systems in the basin of the Pisque river

Quito, viernes 24 junio 2016
José Juncosa during his talk
José Juncosa during his talk


On June 17th, representatives from  several communities and councils that have irrigation systems in the municipality of Cayambe and Pedro Moncayo met to hear the results of the agreement signed between UPS and the provincial government of Pichincha since 2014.

This agreement was intended to determine the efficiency of water use for irrigation in the cultivation of pasture, assessing community irrigation systems, establish efficient irrigation levels and indicators of soil fertility in potential areas of milk production in the Pisque River.

Charles Cachipuendo, UPS research and professor, addressed the issue of the management of community irrigation systems; .Yesenia Tiaguaro, the Undersecretary of Irrigation and Drainage from MAGAP spoke about irrigation policies in the country; Elirya Layedra, presented the Provincial Irrigation Plan for Pichincha, UPS professors Catalina Sandoval, Carolina Moya, Jorge Sandoval and Marcelo Gualavisí presented the results of the efficiency of irrigation systems and rates of soil quality.

The university's vice president in Quito, José Juncosa, officially delivered the thematic maps and documents of irrigation systems. In his speech, he emphasized the support of UPS in the development process in the north of Pichincha.

The attendees appreciated the valuable contribution of UPS to the project because the results allow irrigation practices to be corrected and use water efficiently in the field and improve administrative, economic and environmental management of organizations.

Watch a video on a worshop  for irrigation systems at UPS