UPS graduate was honored by the Accountants Association

Cuenca, sábado 14 noviembre 2015
Sonia Patricia Santos as she receives her recognition
Sonia Patricia Santos as she receives her recognition


For the third time, a graduate from Universidad Politécnica Salesiana was honored by the Accountants Association as the best graduate in Azuay and was awarded with the "Colegio de Contadores" medal on Friday, November 13th.

The Accountants Association holds this ceremony every year; previously UPS graduates Irene Buele and Melba Cajilima were also honored with this award, and are now professors in our university.

UPS President Javier Herran congratulated Miss Santos and said "this professional achievement is a great fulfilment and backs the work being done at UPS".

Santiago Solano, the Accounting Faculty Director at UPS-Cuenca, said that this recognition supports the academic quality of professionals at our university, who are being recognized nationally. 

The Accountants Association highlighted Sonia Santos' intellectual and personal qualities as well as her effort and dedication