UPS is part of the project: “Educational Portal for Sustainable Cultural Diversity in Latin America”

Quito, martes 4 abril 2023
Representatives of participating universities
Representatives of participating universities


From the 28th to the 30th of March several universities took part in the “Educational Portal for Sustainable Cultural Diversity in Latin America – EPSULA” Kick Off Meeting, which took place in the city of Santa Ana in El Salvador. The participating universities were: Masarykova Univerzita (MU) from the Czech Republic; Tampereen Korkeakoulusaatio Sr (TAU) from Finland; Santiago de Compostela (USC) from Spain; Universidad Católica (UNICAES), Universidad Don Bosco (UDB) from El Salvador; Universidad del Azuay (UDA) and Universidad Politécnica Salesiana (UPS) from Ecuador.


The aim of the meeting was to analyze material that was collected in Ecuador and El Salvador in order to organize activities that participating universities will carry out for this project which takes three years and will be funded by the European Community. During the first day, they presented the project proposal, the participating universities and their responsibilities, the methodology and the people in charge: Barbara Staffolani and Athena Alchazidu from Masarykova Univerzita.

Latin Amercian representatives collected the information, while European universities will be in charge of the website and the general coordination. They also worked on the apps and tech tools that will help to collect and select information. 


On the last day, there were two groups: one academic and one administrative to analyze the schedules, activities and extents of the project. Our university was represented by professors Fernando Garces, director of the anthropology undergraduate program; and Blas Garzon, director of the master’s degree program in Cultural Management. They will be supported by three other professors and will have to organize the second Kick Off Meeting planned for September. 

The project will enhance cultural values of communities in Ecuador and El Salvador and will create initiatives such as cultural tourism, but most importantly, it will help preserve the heritage of communities. 


For more information on this project contact:

- Fernando Garces: 
- Blas Garzón Vera: