UPS officials inaugurated the automotive engineering undergraduate program in Quito

Quito, miércoles 18 octubre 2017
Father Javier Herrán, UPS president, during mass
Father Javier Herrán, UPS president, during mass


The university's branch campus in Quito inaugurated the automotive engineering undergraduate program in the "Sur" campus. Students, professors and officials took part in the different activities planned for this event, starting with the mass celebrated by Javier Herran, UPS President.

During the opening ceremony, Jose Juncosa, vice president of the university's branch campus in Quito, said "an academic environment cannot be measured, touched or thought of, it is something that is among us, therefore, it is important to ask the this new generation of students who will undertake this program to take into account the study environment, the concentration and research as a common good that we should protect"

Angel Paucar, director of this program, thanked the university officials for enabling this program to be offered in Quito. The automotive engineering undergraduate program has been one of the most successful in UPS's branch campus in Cuenca for 20 years. 

Javier Herran spoke about the academic value of this new study program and how research in this field not only responds to aspects related to mechanics but also to environmental needs. 
During this event there conferences on topics such as: maintenance in the transport industry, design in automotive engineering, the importance of machinery in this sector, research tendencies and innovation in this field and electric mobility. 

To close the event there was a wooden car race with 26 participants. The cars were build students themselves.