UPS President presented the 2014 UPS activity report

UPS, martes 10 marzo 2015
UPS President Javier Herrán presenting the 2014 activity report
UPS President Javier Herrán presenting the 2014 activity report

In compliance with the law, UPS President Javier Herran presented the university's 2014 activity report to the public.

Father Javier Herran highlighted how several processes in the university have been consolidated during 2014; the report included results on academic and administrative management which clearly showed an improvement in the university's educational models. 

The main points highlighted in the report were:

  • The 2014 UPS operational plan (improvements plans) which included projects, reports, proof, and data bases used to fulfill short term programs and meet the demands of the government. 
  • Academic regularization and the implementation of an efficient tool used to manage university majors.
  • Planning, evaluation and accreditation in the university.
  • The number of professors who have started doctoral study programs.
  • The creation of 35 research groups. 

The report detailed the university's accomplishments in areas like curricular redesign according to the Higher Education Council and the "4A model" ( affordability, accessibility, acceptability and adaptability). This process, based on UPS's admissions system, has allowed the university to increase the number of students who continue their studies. 

There was also information on the use of the university's economic resources, money received from the government, and students' tuitions.  

A significant part of the report was information regarding academic quality based on research which means hand on practice. UPS President said: "Conducting in depth research that is applicable to materials research, where the idea is replace elements such as steel (among others) to lessen environmental impacts"

 As Father Herran said, the main part of presenting the activity report is to "be aware of our university's achievements, focused on our professors' dedication and creating a friendly environment where students can build a promising future for their lives"