UPS professor participated in an international congress organized by Universidad de La Laguna de Tenerife, in Spain

Quito, viernes 16 enero 2015
Narcisa Medranda
Narcisa Medranda

UPS professor and researcher Narcisa Medranda, M.Sc took part in an international congress organized by Revista Latina at the Universidad de La Laguna de Tenerife, in Spain, from the 2nd to the 5th of December 2014.

Professor Medranda teaches in the social communication faculty at UPS-Quito and is currently studying a doctorate degree in communication and journalism in Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, in Spain. She presented her paper titled ""Elementos legales para la formulación de indicadores de evaluación de transparencia de los municipios del Ecuador"

For the research, professor Medranda compared competencies of local governments in Ecuador with those from Spain, she applied 41 indicators to assess the communication and the information provided by these institutions on the web.

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