UPS professor took part in a panel discussion organized by Bienal de Cuenca

Cuenca, domingo 4 enero 2015
Blas Garzón PhD
Blas Garzón PhD

UPS Professor Blas Garzón Vera, PhD participated in the panel discussion organized by the Bienal Foundation and the Modern Art Museum in Cuenca to talk about culture, art, design, architecture and communication along with Professors and students from several universities.

Specialists from Universidad del Azuay, Universidad de Cuenca and Politécnica Salesiana talked to students and encouraged them to take advantage of all the specialized material that Cuenca's municipality offers students, professors and researchers.  

Blas Garzón spoke about two books written by Mario Vargas Llosa: "La civilización del espectáculo" and "El sueño del celta" which present the authors beliefs on culture and what it is currently going through. Then, Eliana Bojorque, Director in charge of the Bienal de Cuenca, gave away books and asked the participating institutions to strengthen the culture in this city.