UPS-Quito students took part in "III National Competition of Concrete" at Universidad San Francisco de Quito

Quito, miércoles 11 febrero 2015
UPS students before their presentation
UPS students before their presentation

Last February 6th, the Ecuadorian Institute of Cement and Concrete (INECYC, in Spanish) organized the "III National Competition of Concrete" that was held at Universidad San Francisco de Quito. 15 teams from Universidad de Cuenca, Universidad Central del Ecuador, Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, Universidad Politécnica Nacional, and Universidad San Francisco de Quito took part of the competition.

The "Innovation of Construction Elements Group" (GISEC, in Spanish) made up by David Rosado, Esteban Larrea, Deysi Chicaiza, Álvaro Pineda and Andrés Cañar, civil engineering students at UPS-Quito, along with professor Hugo Torres, presented their project. They designed and built a concrete structure with polymers reinforced with fibers in order to obtain the best load-cost relation.