UPS-Quito students will take part in "III National Competition of Concrete" at Universidad San Francisco de Quito

Quito, miércoles 28 enero 2015
Poster showing the project
Poster showing the project


The "Innovation of Construction Elements Group" (GISEC, in Spanish) made up by David Rosado, Esteban Larrea, Deysi Chicaiza, Álvaro Pineda and Andrés Cañar, civil engineering students at UPS-Quito, will participate in the Third National Competition of Concrete which is organized by the Ecuadorian Institute of Cement and Concrete (INECYC, in Spanish) and Universidad San Francisco de Quito.

The GISEC group will present their Project titled "Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP)" on February, 6th in Universidad San Francisco de Quito at 9am. The winners of this competition will take part in the international FRP Composites Competition organized by the American Concrete Institute in Kansas, USA on April 15th


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