UPS ratified its agreement with the National Board of Craftsmen

Cuenca, jueves 6 julio 2017
César Vásquez Vásquez, Vice president of UPS's branch in Cuenca
César Vásquez Vásquez, Vice president of UPS's branch in Cuenca


Universidad Politecnica Salesiana (UPS) ratified its inter institutional agreement with the National Board of Craftsmen (Junta Nacional de Artesanos), by signing the document during the graduation ceremony for 446 new craftsmen in the province of El Oro. This formal event was held in the city of Machala and attended by UPS's vice president in Cuenca, Cesar Vasquez; the minister of productivity, Eva Garcia; the labor minister, Raul Clemente; the president of the Board of craftsmen, Luis Quishpi and the current governor of El Oro, Rosa Lopez.

The ceremony began with a speech by Cesar Vasquez who talked about the importance of renewing the agreement with the craftsmen association since it means community involvement and support for the country's artisans. He said that the university's three branch campuses, Cuenca, Quito and Guayaquil, will do their best to carry out all its plans and agreements. 

The Labor Minister, Raul Clemente Ledesma, congratulated all the new artisans who will also become new entrepreneurs. He said the Ministry will support the crafts sector in order to generate an economic-productive chain that will benefit Ecuadorian families.

Eva Garcia, Minister of Industries and Productivity (MIPRO for its acronym in Spanish) said "I am sure all the knowledge and skills you have acquired during all the time will allow you to improve you lives, be more competitive and professionals and contribute to the country's development". 

Luis Quishpi, president of the National Board of Craftsmen, thanked UPS for supporting craftsmen in the country. He congratulated all the graduates and asked them to continue contributing to the country's development.