UPS's Head of Research will be awarded a recognition for his academic merit

UPS, viernes 11 mayo 2018
Juan Pablo Salgado
Juan Pablo Salgado


Juan Pablo Salgado, the university's head of research, will receive a recognition for having the best doctoral thesis, "Innovazione organizzativa per la valorizzazione della ricerca scientifica" which he presented in Università degli Studi di Ferrara (Italy).

Salgado's thesis presents the value of research in the university as an ecosystem of innovation and learning that includes all university stakeholders. In his thesis, he writes about his experience in the university and the new way of managing and appreciating research. 

Understanding the indivisible relationship of the organization-system, where the whole is more than the sum of the parts, helps us to understand the university as a living organism where the production of knowledge is the goal, medium and foundation for the development of people", explains Juan Palbo Salgado.

The recognition will be awarded on June 4, 2018 on "IUSS Day", the opening ceremony for the beginning of the academic year of the University Institute degli Studi Superiori di Ferrara, in the facilities of this Italian university founded in 1391. Salgado's thesis was selected as the best doctoral work of his promotion by the "Colegio dei Docenti". 

According to the head of research, the role of the university is to generate knowledge for society, "the university – ecosystem can fulfil its role of building society as well as being a product of society by boosting people's potential through educating them to be responsible with society".