UPS students and professors presented 21 research projects in the field of life sciences

Quito, viernes 16 diciembre 2016
Lizet Meza and Cristofer Sánchez during their presentation
Lizet Meza and Cristofer Sánchez during their presentation


UPS students and professors from the biotechnology major in the university's branch in Quito presented the results of their research projects which were conducted with the support of the following life sciences research groups: Biotechnology applied to natural resources (BIOARN for is acronym in Spanish), Biodiversity, environment and native people from Ecuador (NUNKUI WAKAN) and Development of sciences applied to biological resources (GIDCARB).

This academic event was held on December 13th and was mostly attended by professors and students who are in the last semester of their major; here they learned more about the research in this field. 

The general committee was made up by Jose Juncosa, vice president of the university's branch in Quito; Paco Noriega, coordinator of the Sciences applied to biological resources Research Group (GIDCARB); Maria Elena Maldonado, coordinator of the BIOARN research group; Marco Cerna, coordinator of the NUNKI WAKAN Research Group and Tatiana Mosquera, coordinator of the event and a member of GIDCARB.

During his welcome speech, Jose Juncosa announced that UPS will soon proclaim itself as a university of teaching and research and therefore it needs the support of its students and professors. "A university that does not conduct research has nothing to teach; professors who research teach differently and students who research learn differently", he said. Noriega, who spoke on behalf of the research groups, said that the biotechnology major has conducted research since it was created and it has been constant in doing so.

There were 21 undergraduate and postgraduate projects presented during the event; some of the topics were: Extraction of DNA in antibiotic-producing bacteria, studies of honey, evaluation of extracts and essential oils, phytochemical standardization of hydroalcoholic extracts, quality of composition of goat milk, evaluation of biodegradation of insecticides, toxic plants, and others.

The projects were evaluated by a jury made up by Edgar Tello, coordinator of the research groups; Diana Calero, director of the Biotechnology major; Professors Michael Venegas and Gabriela Mendez; and Marco Ibarra, laboratory technician. The parameters were: mastery of the topic, presentation of the hypothesis, description of the process, clarity of the presentation.

To end the event, the director of the major congratulated professors and students for their research and their work on seeking solutions to problems of society. "Our research is the result of effort, inter institutional cooperation and most importantly the motivation of students to be part of these processes", she said