UPS was awarded the "Matilde Hidalgo" prize

Quito, miércoles 13 enero 2016
Javier Herrán, UPS President, being awarded the
Javier Herrán, UPS President, being awarded the "Matilde Hidalgo" prize by Lorena Araujo.

SENESCYT awarded UPS the "Matilde Hidalgo" prize for academic excellence in the "Dialogo de Saberes" category. The prize was received by UPS President Javier Herran, who attended the ceremony along with UPS students Miguel Ángel Sarango, Ima Nenquimo and Eslendy Grefa.

The award is a recognition to the higher education institution that has best implemented the permanent interaction between knowledge, practice and techniques. Universidad de Cuenca was also awarded the same prize. After getting the prize from the Vice Minister of Education, Lorena Araujo, Father Herran gave the prize to the students who were with him.

Matilde Hidalgo was an emblematic woman from the city of Loja, she was a doctor, pediatrician and poet who noted for her feminist and liberal ideals. She was the first woman to vote in a democratic election in South America and to have a position of popular election, setting precedent in our country. During the ceremony, her niece Clara Diaz Hidalgo was awarded a recognition. 
There was also a tribute to Bolivar Echeverria, an Ecuadorian Philosopher. His sister Rosa Echeverria received a recognition. 

Other university officials also attended the ceremony: José Juncosa, Bernardo Salgado, Sebastián Granda, Pablo Ortiz, Aurora Iza and student representatives Irina Jaramillo and Gladys Angulo


Learn more about all the wínners here




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