Women's day march for equal rights

Quito, lunes 11 marzo 2024
Women's day march for equal rights
Women's day march for equal rights

On March 8th, women of all ages from Universidad Politécnica Salesiana (UPS), Escuela Politécnica Nacional (EPN), Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador (PUCE) and Administración Zonal La Mariscal took part in a march aimed at demanding equal rights. 



Autoridades de las universidades participantes


Maria Sol Villagomez, from UPS; Patricia Carrera, from PUCE, and Valentina Ramos from EPN, led the march. They were dressed in violet, the emblematic color of the fight for women's rights. The meeting began in Administración Zonal La Mariscal; there were women firmly holding signs and handkerchiefs, symbolizing unity and the continuous fight for a future of equality and justice.



Joven estudiante universitaria alza su voz por los derechos de la mujer


Women shout phrases like: “Ni una menos, vivas nos queremos”, “Abajo el patriarcado se va a caer, se va a caer”. The energy is visible, they raise their voices and each one becomes a testimony of the fight for equality.



María Sol Villagómez, vicerrectora de sede


María Sol Villagómez, vice president of our branch campus in Quito, gives a speech: “Today is an exercise of solidarity and sisterhood between the three institutions to express the work we do and seek better conditions for women in academia.”



Marcha en las afueras de la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, campus El Girón


Women march by UPS on their way to PUCE, they shout powerful phrases which seek to create awareness in society. They ask for a world free of violence and femicides. 



Mujeres marchando por los sus derechos


Women of all ages march together; there is a feeling of affection and hope. They share stories and dreams of more equal future. 



Grupo ASU de Danza Contemporánea UPS


The march ends at EPN, our university’s contemporary dance group performs to the rhythm of a song by Natalia Lafourcade: “Maria la curandera”.