UPS-Guayaquil holds workshops for scientific writing

Guayaquil, viernes 4 marzo 2016
Dr. Raquel Ayala during the workshop
Dr. Raquel Ayala during the workshop


On March 2, UPS-Guayaquil held an academic event titled Working spaces for scientific writing aimed at all UPS professors.

Professor Raquel Ayala, PhD, coordinator of the research department, said the aim is to have permanent, accessible and encouraging spaces to learn and exchange experiences related to scientific writing. The idea of having these working spaces emerged after having meetings and interviews with researchers at the university.

There will be 2 hour long workshops to present strategies, share tools and good practices that will be useful for professors and researchers to strengthen their writing skills. "It's not teaching, it's sharing knowledge that will help develop research at UPS" said Dr. Ayala.