An exchange of academic experiences at the University of Maryland

Cuenca, viernes 6 mayo 2016
Professors who attended the event
Professors who attended the event

UPS professors Susana Lam, Rosalba Pesantez, Fabricio Freire, Santiago Solano and Dalton Orellana who are currently studying a PhD in Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos in Peru were chosen to take part in the "2016 Workshop on Latin American Business Administration" which was held at the College Park Marriott Hotel & Conference Center thanks to an agreement between the University of Maryland and Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. 

The professors took part in several activities such as talks, seminars and elevator pitches of research projects. They worked directly with professors from the university of Maryland for some cross cultural communication. 

During the event, Andres Montalvo,the Ecuadorian ambassador in Washington, gave a speech. It was a very enriching experience for the professors who visited the University of Maryland especially in the field of research.