Accounting and Auditing representatives met to discuss new project

Guayaquil, jueves 11 diciembre 2014
Aníbal Quintanilla
Aníbal Quintanilla

Anibal Quintanilla, Director of the Accounting Faculty at Universidad de Guayaquil, led the VIII meeting of the "Network of Accounting and Auditing majors from public and private universities" to discuss a new academic project that meets the requirements of regulatory bodies and enables academic mobility.

Maria Alexandra Chávez, director of the accounting major at UPS, and professors Leonardo Barona and Víctor Vera represented UPS at the meeting. Representatives from the following universities were also present: Universidad Estatal de Guayaquil, Universidad Laica Vicente Rocafuerte, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador (Quito), Universidad Técnica de Machala, Universidad Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo, Universidad de Latacunga, Universidad Estatal de Bolívar, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena.

The next meeting will be held in January 2015 in Universidad Estatal de Guayaquil.