CUENCA: Caravana Cultural por los 20 años de creación de la UPS convocó a cientos de estudiantes

Cuenca, lunes 9 junio 2014
CUENCA: Caravana Cultural por los 20 años de creación de la UPS convocó a cientos de estudiantes
CUENCA: Caravana Cultural por los 20 años de creación de la UPS convocó a cientos de estudiantes

Cultural Caravana for UPS's 20th anniversary  

Next August 4th Universidad Politécnica Salesiana will be celebrating the 20th anniversary of its founding.

This was one of the reasons they organized the fourth edition of the Caravana Cultural Salesiana which brought 24 artistic groups and almost 300 students from the University's three campuses together.

In Guayaquil the music show was attended by a great number of people who are part of the university. It did not matter how tired the students were after their trip from Quito, they still showed their artistic skills during their performance with lots of energy and delight.

The Caravana's last stop was Cuenca, and after getting some rest the groups got together in the university campus to start their show at 10am. The event was held in the Padre Carlos Crespi University Theater, and these were the groups that performed: Ensamble Vocal and Danza contemporánea from Quito, Katharsis theater group and Danza Lírica from Guayaquil.

The last show was held on a stage that was build in the university's parking lot. Here the music and dance groups from the university's three campuses showed off their best artistic talents and soon got the party started.

To complete the Cultural Caravana, students from the cultural groups, teachers, and UPS authorities went on a friendly outing in Cuenca.